Vacances sur Terre : alien spaceship VFX project

Alien spaceship landing video

Alien spaceship video

Inside of alien spaceship

Alien spaceship details video

Alien spaceship details video

Alien spaceship details video

Zshperes for branches in Zbrush

Zshperes for branches in Zbrush

Branches in Zbrush

Branches in Zbrush

Detalis for branches in Zbrush

Detalis for branches in Zbrush

Texturing in Adobe Substance 3d Painter

Texturing in Adobe Substance 3d Painter

Custom material for glass texture of force fields of spaceship in Adobe Substance 3d Sampler

Custom material for glass texture of force fields of spaceship in Adobe Substance 3d Sampler

UV layout of force fields in Maya

UV layout of force fields in Maya

Details of force fields of shpaceship in Adobe Substance 3d Painer

Details of force fields of shpaceship in Adobe Substance 3d Painer

Force fields in Adobe Sunstance 3d Painter

Force fields in Adobe Sunstance 3d Painter

3d scans source for scale

3d scans source for scale

Zshperes for roots in Zbrush

Zshperes for roots in Zbrush

Sculpt in Zbrush

Sculpt in Zbrush

Details in Zbrush

Details in Zbrush

UV layout

UV layout

Texturing in Adobe Substance 3d Painer

Texturing in Adobe Substance 3d Painer

Stones in Zbrush

Stones in Zbrush

Stones in Zbrush

Stones in Zbrush

Stones details in Zbrush

Stones details in Zbrush

Stone texturing in Adobe Substance 3d Painter

Stone texturing in Adobe Substance 3d Painter

Stone texturing in Adobe Substance 3d Painter

Stone texturing in Adobe Substance 3d Painter

Test of differents HDRI

Test of differents HDRI

Test of differents HDRI

Test of differents HDRI

One of the final rendres

One of the final rendres



Vacances sur Terre : alien spaceship VFX project

I'm very proud to present the first feature film I had the honor of working on.
The title is "Vacances sur Terre", produced by "GoodDream production" from Paris and supervised by Julien Gouz from northern France.
It was an incredible challenge and an amazing full-remote project. I had only one reference image to create an
entire spaceship! My role was to design and build this alien spaceship, ready for rendering. I had access to a small set of 3D scans,
but 90% of the asset was entirely created by me in ZBrush. I then prepared the UVs in RizomUV and Maya, created some materials in
Adobe Substance 3D Sampler, and finalized the texturing in Adobe Substance 3D Painter.
We made some adjustments to adapt the concept for production and animation. Some parts of the asset even have two different
UV layouts with varying texel densities to ensure the best quality for the spaceship.
It was a fantastic experience, and I had the pleasure of working with many talented and wonderful people throughout this project!
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